
Conditions of access:

  • 22 years old.
  • at least 2 years of experience*
    *In particular cases of inconsistencies of age and experience towards our rules, DUBAI AUTO offers you special conditions and terms. Call our manager to discuss special conditions.
  • passport.
  • driver license.
  • to sign up rent papers on the ground.
  • spot cash.
  • cashless payments**
    **DUBAI AUTO provides services only after 100% prepayment. In a case of renouncement a client punishes by 20% fine subtractiving a main payment.


Besides an 100% prepayment you need to provide a deposit which amount depends on the vehicle. A deposit returns in its entirety in a case of absense of complaints towards vehicle's appearance and agreement's compliance.

Prolongation of terms:

Prolongations of terms allows only with DUBAI AUTO's agreement, at least than 6 hours before an expire of terms.

Terms and Conditions of Luxury Car Rent in Dubai


DUBAI AUTO provides you a limitless mileage by default.

Travel abroad:

To travel abroad UAE interdicts by DUBAI AUTO.

Special services:

  • Free Service
  • Accidental Coverage 
  • personal driver(coloured/white)*
  • car lease Speedy Drive
    * We hopefully look forward to give you a chance to enjoy a ride with our professional long-term experienced drivers.**
    ** In a case of unintended violation of work ethic by one of our drivers you need to report about it to a manager, naming a driver's title and specifying his skin colour to accelerate following trial against him.